The smart note-taking tool for efficient people
Our mission is to make your life more efficient.
These are the 4 pillars in which you can achieve a more structure and more efficient life. Each pillar help move your thoughts with more clarity and efficiency.
Create notes really really fast
Simply type in any browser, and ta-da, your unique note is created and you can start sharing and collaborate your note.
Powerful note-taking & collaboration
Quickly type your thoughts with our markdown and block type system, and start sharing with your colleagues and friends.
Record & transcribe any meetings
No more “I forgot what they said”. You can now record your online and live events and get a summary and actions items for each meetings.
Plan your day with our integrated calendar
Sync with your Google or Microsoft Outlook calendar and see all your meetings and create notes accordingly.
Get AI answers for literally anything
Ask questions about your transcript, notes, or even the internet and get accurate answers in seconds.
This tool is perfect for:
Why are we building
Hey everyone,
I'm Philippe, CEO here at
Life can be stressful and sometimes hard to manage. We all have busy schedule and life can get in the way. We end up with tons of meetings back to back and feel like we've lost control of our life and then to realize that we start forgetting things that we wouldn't before.
Sounds familiar?
Yet, we wonder what life can become where everything falls into place. Where we feel like we are becoming our best-self and achieving the goals that we have planned. Where we lie in bed without random thoughts that we haven't sorted out. Where we feel accomplished and grateful every single day...
It doesn't have to be that way... and this is the reason we are building
Notes are like atoms of our thoughts, and deserve to sit in a better place for us to tap into. Our thoughts are consuming our everyday life and in order for us to live a fulfilled life, we need to bring structure.
Notes deserve better. A more modern way to write them down and to store them.
That is our vision with A more structured, thought-through approach to store your thoughts and to memorize things. Making YOUR life more enjoyable, so you can spend more time with what matters. We all deserve that.
Let's make notes great, again.